Stroke Support West Midlands
Stroke Support West Midlands
Our Group After recieving news of winning the queens award in 2019
Upcoming Events
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Survivor Awards
Next Club Session: 15-02-2025
Great News After our last meeting since Feb 2020 We are now reopening on the 7th May 2020. Due to the pandemic there will be some new rules which we would like you to adhere to
for ours and your safety:
1. Face masks while are not compulsory you may choose or choose not to wear we leave that up to you.
2. Please do ensure you keep a safe distance during the meetings for yours and each others safety.
Please do join us we look forward to meeting you See you soon.
***After weeks of renovation we are finally back at Albert Road. Hope to see you there.***
The Building work has finished we will be back at Albert Road the normal time This Saturday hope to see you there.
Everyone in the team at Stroke Support
The group began in 1999, set up by a few carers and stroke survivors at West Park Rehabilitation hospital in Wolverhampton.
At first there were only half a dozen in the group, but their aims were clear, to give young at heart stroke survivors a regular venue for exercise tailored to their disabilities and the opportunity to get to know others who like themselves had suffered a stroke. Since those early days our 'family' has grown steadily and these days we often have over fifty stroke survivors, carers and family attending on a Saturday morning. Our age range has also expanded and ranges from twenties to eighties. We have a number of activities each year, a fun sports day at RAF Cosford, using our specially adapted bikes in West Park, bowling, eating out and even gliding!
We also have a Facebook group where we can discus issues affecting stroke survivors and carers and post the late
Our Aims.
One of the many problems that stroke survivors experience is a lack of self esteem and feeling isolated, these emotions are often shared by their carers. Using our exercise sessions and general association, we work together to build up confidence and reduce isolation by forming supporting relationships with
each other.
What our main Ethos and belief is:
Our aim is to put purpose back into the lives of stroke survivors and their families affected by stroke, we do this by taking the 'dis' out of disability and focus on ability. Using exercise and activity to effect a positive psychological and physical change in stroke survivors. Thereby inspiring the thought, 'if I can do this what else can I achieve?'
Contact Annette on 07455 051258 for more Information.
why not join
our face book group, to stay in touch with us
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we also have a facebook group
Stroke Support West Midlands
go on get involved.
Contact Annette: 07455 051258
proud Winners Of The Queens Award for Voluntary Service 2019